
건강 관련 영어단어 33개

.◆◇◆. 2021. 1. 19. 04:29

1. medical check-up 건강 검진


2. flu vaccination==flu shot 독감 예방 접종


3. gastritis 위염


4. inflammation 염증


5. rhinitis 비염


6. allergic rhinitis 알러지성 비염


7. itchy 가려운


8. blotchy 얼룩덜룩한


9. swollen (몸의 일부가)부어오른


10. tonsils 편도선


11. constipation 변비


12. stool softener pill 변비약


13. autism 자폐성


1 Ache 아프다, 아픈 she complains of headache (stomachache)
2 Bleed 피흘리다 Joe's nose began to bleed after he fell over and knocked it
3 Bruise 멍이생기다, 멍 Paul had a big bruise because he was hit by a tennis ball
4 Checkup 검진받다 She went to see the doctor for her yearly checkup
5 Cough 기침하다 She was coughing a lot during nap time
6 Diagnosis 진단 It takes about 1 year for diagnosis of autism
7 Epidmmic 전염병, 유행병 The influenza epidemic in the early 20th century claimed many lives
8 Fist aid 응급처치 She applied first aid to the accident victim
9 Infection 감염 She was worried that she would get an infection in her cut
10 Malnourished 영양실조의 Because of the drought, the people in the willage were malnourished
11 Numb 감각 없는 Her fingers were numb because of the cold
12 Prescribe 처방을 내리다 The doctor considered what type of pills to prescribe to his patient
13 Sore 아픈, 따가운 Susan complained of a sore throat
14 Wound 상처, 상처가나다 The soldier had a serious wond where he was shot
15 Scar 흉터 i had a big scar on my arm
16 Sneeze 재채기하다 She sneezed when she entered the dusty wardrobe
17 Sprain 삐다 I sprained my ankle
18 Trip over 걸려서 넘어지다 I tripped over a stone
19 Thermometer 체온계 Can you bring a thermometer for me?
20 Pediatric 소아과의 Pediatrictian 소아과 의사



